期間限定ツアー①「日高山脈」とともに走る散走サイクリング 昼食付/ Cycling around Hidakasanmyaku-Erimo-Tokachi National Park with lunch






途中で、日高山脈の山々も近くで見られる隠れ家カフェで昼食もついています。お店の前で丁寧にお世話されたガーデンの花にも注目です。「vindskov (ヴィンスコウ)」さんは、北欧風の外装とエスニック料理で、知る人ぞ知る、リピーターの多いお店でもあります。


Introducing the “Memuro Scenic Cycling Tour,” available exclusively on Saturdays and Sundays in August and September.

Experience Hokkaido’s Tokachi and Memuro Town with all your senses on this cycling tour. This time, the tour takes you along a leisurely course from Memuro Town, located at the foot of the Hidaka Mountains, which was designated as a national park, “Hidaka Mountain Range Erimo Tokachi National Park,” on June 25, 2024.

The view of the Hidaka Mountains from Memuro Town offers a perfect sense of distance, and combined with the patchwork of fields, it showcases the quintessential scenery of Hokkaido.

Enjoy the straight roads of Tokachi, typical of Hokkaido, with occasional slopes. However, with our rented electric-assisted bicycles, the ride will be easy and enjoyable.

Starting from the Kamibiho area in Memuro Town, you will receive explanations about agriculture and dairy farming as you ride past farms and fields.

Lunch is included at a hidden café where you can see the Hidaka Mountains up close. Pay attention to the well-tended garden flowers in front of the café. “Vindskov” is a well-known café with a Nordic exterior and ethnic cuisine, popular with repeat visitors.

During the tour, you’ll ride through forest paths where you might spot wildlife and be soothed by the birdsong in the dappled sunlight. This off-road experience is combined with a climb up the slope to the Shin-Arashiyama Sky Park Observatory. From here, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Hidaka Mountains and, if the weather is clear, even the distant Daisetsuzan Mountain Range. After taking in the breathtaking “This is Tokachi” scenery, you’ll return leisurely to the starting point.

Like other “Scenic Cycling Tours,” this tour allows you to fully enjoy the history, culture, and nature of Hokkaido’s Tokachi and Memuro Town with a guide.

■ツアー番号: 06
■料金/Price: 7,500円 7,500yen
■所要時間/time: 約3時間 about 3hours
■お申込可能時間:①午前10時~午後1時 from 10am to 1pm のみ
■走行距離/distance:約15km about 15km
■お申込可能日: 下記カレンダー「Memuro〇」の日(ただし8月、9月の土日曜日のみ。ご希望の3日前までに要お申込)
■お申込方法: こちらからお願いいたします。
■定員:最小2名~10名 (1名様でご参加の場合、申し訳ないのですが2名様分の料金を頂戴します)
■推奨されるお持物 小さめのリュック(自転車にカゴがついていませんのでご注意ください)、タオル、日焼け止め、サングラス、追加の水分等
■集合場所/place : みんなのお店KAMIBI
〒082-0384 北海道河西郡芽室町上美生4線36−39
